Welcome back to the latest installment in our Spotlight Treatment of the Month series. The appearance of a double chin is a source of anxiety and frustration for so many people in the US and beyond.
No matter how committed you are to eating right and exercising regularly, fat that accumulates under the chin can be virtually impossible to shed. That’s why we wanted to focus on Kybella® Non-Surgical Fat Reduction this month. Kybella® is a non-surgical cosmetic injectable treatment intended to target this specific area and help safely remove the fat that causes the appearance of a double chin. Keep reading for more information on what makes Kybella® Fat Reduction one of the most consistently in-demand cosmetic treatments at AYA™.
How do Kybella® Fat Reduction treatments at AYA™ work?
Unlike other popular fat reduction methods for the double chin like liposuction, Kybella® is completely non-surgical and non-invasive. Kybella® injections utilize deoxycholic acid, a substance that exists naturally in our bodies. During Kybella® treatments, injections are administered directly into the fat below your chin. The active ingredients in Kybella® are then able to destroy localized fat cells, making it so this area can no longer store and accumulate excess fat. In order to achieve the best-possible results, more than one treatment may be required.
Who is a good candidate for Kybella® Non-Surgical Fat Reduction?
Kybella® Fat Removal is FDA-approved and safe for any healthy person who wants help removing unwanted excess fat from around their chin and neck. Kybella® can be great for patients who may not have the recovery time needed for liposuction, or those who would prefer to avoid surgery. Additionally, Kybella® Fat Reduction is among the most popular cosmetic treatments among male patients.
What makes Kybella® Fat Reduction at AYA™ so special?
The skilled cosmetic injectors at AYA™ Medical Spa have considerable experience helping our patients achieve the best experience and results possible from their Kybella® treatments. When performed at AYA™, Kybella® Fat Reduction treatments are safe, quick (about 15-20 minutes per treatment session), and pose no risk of long-term side effects or complications. Patients may experience some swelling, bruising, numbness, stiffness, and/or redness after their injections, but these effects are temporary.
We hope you found this helpful. A double chin can have a seriously damaging effect on a person’s self-esteem and sense of confidence in their appearance. Kybella® Non-Surgical Fat Reduction can rejuvenate the appearance of your neck and help shed your double chin once and for all. For more information on Kybella® or to schedule a skin care analysis appointment, please contact AYA™ Medical Spa today. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for even more skin care tips, photos, news, and updates.