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Renew Your Skin with Laser Vein Removal this Season

January 10, 2013 | Blog, Laser Vein Removal, Other, Skin Care

As we covered in previous blogs, winter is the ideal season to start laser treatments to help treat skin imperfections. One of the most common unwanted skin conditions is the appearance of varicose veins, or visible red, blue, or purple veins that can appear on the body and face. These veins are also commonly known as spider veins. They appear as a result of a weakened blood vessel, but the direct causes are still unknown. After the vessel is weakened, the veins prevent blood from returning to the body’s overall circulation and the collected blood causes the appearance of these branch-like veins.

Even though the cause of spider veins is unknown, safe treatment methods have been developed to treat these unsightly veins. AYA Medical Spa offers laser vein removal with eMax with elōs technology that combines laser and radiofrequency energy to break down visible veins. The technology destroys the weakened vein by using laser and radiofrequency to create heat energy. Once the vein is broken up, the body’s immune system naturally reabsorbs it.

AYA uses a special cooling system along with the eMax system with elōs to maximize patient comfort and protection. The risk of side effects such as redness or swelling is minimal, and the treatment requires very little downtime. Our licensed medical providers work with patients to determine how many treatments are needed for optimal results. Although one treatment can produce significant improvement, many patients require more treatments for complete results. Winter is ideal because patients should avoid direct sun exposure after laser treatments throughout treatment and approximately 7-10 days after treatments to prevent hyperpigmentation. Since laser vein removal usually requires multiple treatments, winter also allows time to fully eliminate spider veins before showing off more skin in the warmer months.

If you’re looking for a treatment to help treat visible facial or leg veins, contact us today to schedule a skin analysis. Don’t forget that we’re offering 20% off one new service for this month’s special, so now is the perfect time to try our laser vein removal service if you haven’t yet. Also be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest for the latest skincare news and updates.